Hey guys welcome or welcome back to my blog. Here I do all kind of food and travel reviews and any other interesting thing that captures my eyes and mind. What other way to celebrate the launch of http://www.kemzykemzy.com/ than to eat???? Guys we are finally official!!!!! 5th November 2018. It is also my birthday month!! It is a win for the girlchild heheh. Thank you for your support. We went to Villarosa kibandaski!!!

So over the weekend we visited a nice joint in Ngong , Matasia called Base Three. It was one of my extras in my blog post about http://www.kemzykemzy.com/2018/10/my-top-10-budget-friendly-restaurants-in-nairobi/. It is practically a Nyama choma joint with different vendors selling different types of meat. Their Nyama choma is really nice but I love their wet-fry much better. But anyway so this time we were tired of red meat and decided we will try white meat FIIIISH!!!! And our vendor was Nams fish and kuku delight. Don’t judge the book by its cover. She did not disappoint.
I prefer my fish deep fried rather than wet fried(it becomes too soggy and might have the small tubroken bones) and so did my people and that is what we opted for.

Yeah that’s all folks and thanks for stopping by and leave a comment. Until next time tuuurrrrrrruuuuuuusss.